CUDA 12.0

CUDA is a proprietary parallel computing platform and application programming interface that allows software to use certain types of graphics processing units for accelerated general-purpose processing, an approach called general-purpose computing on GPUs.

IMPORTANT: If you make use of GPU queues, it is mandatory to select a minimum number of CPU cores given by 16 cores/GPU multiplied by the amount of nodes selected and the number of selected GPUs (16 cores/gpu * num. GPUs * num. nodes).


Example script :


#SBATCH -J cuda-test # job name
#SBATCH -o cuda-test.o%j # output and error file name (%j expands to jobID)
#SBATCH -p ada # queue L40S (partition)
#SBATCH -N 2 # total number of nodes
#SBATCH --gres=gpu:1 # gpus per node
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=32 # 16 cores por GPU * 1 GPU * 2 nodos

module load cuda/12.0

echo $CUDA12_HOME
echo $CUDA12_BIN
echo $CUDA12_LIB64

$CUDA12_BIN/nvcc --version

echo "done!!"

The informative report will be shown un the job output file.

Submit with :

sbatch --account=your_project_ID

More info :