Mumax3-cQED: like Mumax3 but for a magnet coupled to a cavity. This is a fork of the micromagnetic simulation open source software mumax3. Mumax3-cQED, enhances mumax3 by including the effect of coupling the magnet to an electromagnetic cavity.
IMPORTANT: If you make use of GPU queues, it is mandatory to select a minimum number of CPU cores given by 16 cores/GPU multiplied by the amount of nodes selected and the number of selected GPUs (16 cores/gpu * num. GPUs * num. nodes).
Example script :
#SBATCH -o mumax3-cqed-infos%j.o
#SBATCH -p hopper
#SBATCH --gres=gpu:1 # launch in 1-GPUs
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=16 # 16 cores por GPU * 1 GPU * 1 nodo
module load mumax3-cqed/1.0
echo "GCC version: $(gcc --version)"
echo "GO version: $(go version)"
mumax3 test-script.mx3
echo "done!!"
The informative report will be shown in the output file provided by the job.
Submit with :
sbatch --account=your_project_ID
More info :